I have been busy with business and friends visiting me in Rome, Italy lately and for that reason I have been easting out a lot lately. This has resulted in the discovery of some excellent restaurants
that I had not got around to trying before.

San Lorenzo - The area of San Lorenzo is one of my favourites because of its vibrancy. 'Il Pommidoro' on Piazza dei Sanniti was excellent and served quality food at affordable prices. Quite a classy place, do not be put off by the pink table cloths!
Piazza Novana - 'Tre Scalini' was the restaurant I tried and took friends to and everyone ended the night quite impressed. The food is not necessarily cheap but this is Italian food at its best and this place is great for a special occasion.
Pantheon area - 'Terra Di Siena' on Piazza Pasquino was another restaurant which offered excellent food. Real Italian cooking, good service and nice venue.