Nearly everyone will probably think of one of world’s greatest creators of art, Michelangelo. What he did in one lifetime seems impossible. With the exceptional combination of
being both a sculptor as well as a painter, he has devoted his lifework to the churches and basilicas of Rome.

Many would probably consider The fresco of The Last Judgement his greatest work, and although I loved the painting, I was absolutely blown away when I saw the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
The patience, dedication, simply the absolute brilliance of the decoration is amazing. I instantly became a fan of his work. It impossible not to admire what Michelangelo has done. They say that art needs to be understood, you can read in different ways and therefore people do not understand the art or can’t appreciate enough, but this work of art will be admired and loved by everyone.
Millions of visitors come each to the chapel in order to admire his work, and now I fully understand why.His vision was exceptional. He spoke of art when seeing a sculpture, that is was already there and that each stone was different. The final statue was something he could see exactly in detail in his mind already, when just seeing an untouched sculpture. I was just a matter of chipping away the pieces that hidden the true shape of the statue. To me, those are words of a true artistic genius.